As EC service lead Marcus is responsible for our provision of Environmental Control (EC) systems throughout our region. Marcus has joint responsibility for this role with Zoë Clarke.
Marcus graduated from the University of Surrey in 1997 with an MSc in Biomedical Engineering. Initially working as a Clinical Scientist with a Wheelchair and Special Seating Service in East London, Marcus joined the Assistive Technology team at Barnsley Hospital in 2000. Marcus says:
“I have an extensive knowledge of AT, encompassing the range of services we provide for environmental controls (EC), computer access, alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) and specialist wheelchair controls for integrated systems.
I am joint Environmental Control Lead with the Barnsley AT Team, providing an EC service and working closely with our AAC service for Yorkshire and Humber.
I provide training courses for AT professionals in our region and also recognise the importance of sharing our knowledge and experience with a wider audience and have delivered a number of publications and conference presentations.”