Computer access devices allow people who have problems using conventional controls (e.g. keyboards or mice) to access the computer. Adaptations to assist with computer access can include the following:
- alternative keyboards e.g. alternative keyboard layout;
- alternative mice e.g. a trackball, joystick or touchpad, head tracking or eye gaze;
- additional accessibility software, e.g. on screen keyboards, word prediction, speech recognition.
The computer can also be adapted in a number of ways using ‘in built’ accessibility settings. The ‘My Computer My Way’ website from AbilityNet covers a range of options, for example filtering key presses or changing the mouse pointer. Our local service resource pack also covers a range of equipment that can help with adaptations to the computer.
Computer access provision is part of environmental control and appropriate for those who meet the referral acceptance criteria for the EC service. Please see the EC page for further information.