On this page you will find a range of resources that we publish with the aim of supporting local teams and those using assistive technology. You will also find some links to websites and external resources. If you have suggestions for a useful resource, please let us know.

Screenshot of mounting solutions local service pack resource.

Local Services Assistive Technology Resource Pack: Mounting Solutions

This document aims to suggest mounting solutions that local services may find appropriate to stock or have access to.  The majority of these are items that we would consider come under the remit of local teams and therefore our team are unlikely to provide to clients.  We may expect local teams to have trialled these or similar items prior to referring to the Barnsley team and be able to provide
Screenshot of the computer access local services resource pack.

Local Services Assistive Technology Resource Pack: Computer Access

This document aims to suggest physical and online/software resources that local services working with Computer Access may find appropriate to stock or have access to.  The majority of these are items that we would consider come under the remit of local teams and therefore our team are unlikely to provide these.  We may recommend local teams to have trialled these or similar items prior to referring to the Barnsley Assistive
Screenshot of EC Local Services Resource

Local Services Assistive Technology Resource Pack: Environmental controls

This document aims to suggest physical and online/software resources that local services working with Environmental Control (EC) may find appropriate to stock or have access to.  The majority of these are items that we would consider come under the remit of local teams and therefore our team are unlikely to provide these.  We may recommend local teams to have trialled these or similar items prior to referring to the Barnsley
Thumbnail of the AAC Local Service Resource Pack (AAC)

Local Services Assistive Technology Resource Pack: AAC

This document aims to suggest physical and online/software resources that local services working with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) may find appropriate to stock or have access to.  The majority of these are items that we would consider come under the remit of local teams and therefore our team are unlikely to provide these.  We may recommend local teams to have trialled these or similar items prior to referring to
Means, Reasons and Opportunities for AAC and Assistive Technology (Version 2)

Means, Reasons and Opportunities for AAC and Assistive Technology (Version 2)

Means, Reasons and Opportunities for AAC and AT (V2) is an updated version of this popular AAC resource. The original Means Reasons and Opportunities Resource was developed following a research project which looked at communication aid users’ views of communication aids and their priorities. The updated version includes extra vocabulary and has also been made available in a range of formats. The resource is designed for use with individuals who
Equipment Loan Bank Listing Resource

South Yorkshire Paediatric Loan Bank – Equipment Listings

The following listings provide a quick glance reference to examples of equipment that can be requested as a loan from the Barnsley Assistive Technology Team Loan Bank Pilot. This list was created in response to feedback from local therapists who wanted a reference list to use as a starting point to think about kit that may well meet the needs of their clients. Therefore, this listing is not an exhaustive
Image of Service Users Leaflet

Guide for Service Users

This leaflet is designed for individuals who use, or may use, the Assitive Technology Team service. The leaflet describes: What Assistive Technology (AT) Does The Team Work With? Who Are Barnsley Assistive Technology? What do we do? Who do we work with? Who do we provide equipment to? What else can we do? What happens during an assessment? How can you contact us?
Image of Leaflet for Professionals

Guide for Professionals

This leaflet is designed for professionals to describe the work of the Assistive Technology Team. The leaflet covers: What Assistive Technology (AT) Does The Team Work With? Who Are Barnsley Assistive Technology? What do we do? Who do we work with? Who do we provide equipment to? What else can we do? What happens during an assessment? How can you contact us? National guidelines.
Image of Local Service Resource Guide

Local Services Resource Pack

This pack is a handy go to guide for professionals working within the field of electronic Assistive Technology, containing one page profiles for AAC and Environmental Control, Computer Access and Mounting products and resources. The products and resources within the pack are those which would usually fall within the remit of local services to provide. Our Local Services Resource Pack has now been updated and split into four separate guides
Image of Loan Agreement Document

Equipment Loan Agreement

This loan agreement describes our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the person using the equipment.  This loan agreement covers all situations in which we provide equipment. The latest version of this loan agreement applies to all equipment provided by The Assistive Technology team of Barnsley Hospital NHS Trust, irrespective of when this equipment was provided.  If you do not wish this loan agreement to apply you must contact the team
Remote Control of Home Equipment

Remote Control of Home Equipment

This document provides information on remote control / home automation equipment that can be installed and potentially used with an Environmental Control (EC) system.  This might be useful for those who are looking to: setup remote control equipment that can be used with standard remotes or apps - but that might need to be compatible with an EC system in the future (e.g. those with MND or other deteriorating conditions);
Layout of eyelink communication board

EyeLink Communication Boards

EyeLink is a partner supported communication method that allows an individual to communicate just through eye gaze.  EyeLink is a simple and effective method of eye gaze communication which requires just an acetate or acrylic/Perspex sheet which is printed or engraved. EyeLink can be used with letters or symbols for communication. An EyeLink consists of a transparent frame with letters or symbols on, positioned between the person with communication difficulties
Helen wearing PPE in a home

PPE during Visits

We are doing what we can to reduce the risks of transmission of infection when visiting by putting in measures appropriate to the current situation and as advised by our Trust and Public Health England. If we have arranged to visit you, and you still have any concerns then please do contact us to discuss this. Protective Equipment (PPE) In this video Helen demonstrates some of the Personal Protective Equipment,
ICU app home screen, showing a screen with text of 'why am I here', 'what will happen to me' and 'communicate'.

Communication Resources for Intensive Care and HDU

The following resources have been released in order to support those in Intensive Care and High Dependency Units who are temporarily unable to communicate because of 'intubation' - having a breathing tube or other medical reasons. In this video Kate explains how it feels to be in ICU and unable to communicate: ICU Communication App ICU Communication App is designed to support communication in Intensive Care and High Dependency Units.
ICU app home screen, showing a screen with text of 'why am I here', 'what will happen to me' and 'communicate'.


An App to Support Communication in ICU The ICU Communication App (ICU app for short) is designed for patients in Intensive Care (ICU), High Dependency Units (HDU) and other wards. ICU app is designed for patients who are intubated (have a breathing tube in their throat) - leaving them fully aware but temporarily unable to speak. This simple communication app was developed with individuals who have lived through this experience

Setting up single switch access on an iPad

This resource is not reviewed and may go out of date as technology or practice changes. Please contact us if you feel this resource is no longer appropriate In this video Gemma explains how to set up switch access on an iPad with one switch, and demonstrates the main switch scanning options.  You might want to setup switch scanning on an IPad or IPhone if you are able to use

Using an Eye Link board with symbols

In this video Helen talks about how to make and use an EyeLink board with symbols. EyeLink boards are a way of using eye pointing for Communication. With EyeLink you move the board until your eyes, and the eyes of the communication partner 'link'. We have another video which demonstrates using EyeLink with text. Other non specialised paper and powered communication aids are listed in our Resource Pack.
AAC App Evaluation Table

AAC App Evaluation Table

This form is designed to give a framework to evaluate AAC apps and decide if they are suitable for individuals to use for AAC. It includes the aspects of apps that need to be considered and specific features to look for when assessing the quality and suitability of an app.

Setting up wifi on an iPad

In this video Danni demonstrates how to setup WiFi on an iPad.  You can often find your WiFi password on your WiFi 'Router' (the box that connects to your phone line which provides your internet). As well as allowing you to connect to the internet, this will allow the AT team to support you remotely in using the device.
Using a Communication Aid To Keep In Touch With Others

Using a Communication Aid To Keep In Touch With Others

This leaflet outlines considerations for AAC users during the Covid-19 pandemic and highlights resources that may be useful during this period. This leaflet has been made for people using AAC and also the team supporting AAC users.  This leaflet highlights how someone can use their communication to keep in touch with others in ways other than face to face communication. Please also see our related leaflets “Support for people who

Enable access to one app only on an iPad or iPhone

In this video Danni demonstrates how to lock an iPad using iOS Guided Access so that only one app can be accessed on an IPad or IPhone.

Using the Possum Freeway Controller

The following videos demonstrate different aspects of how to use the Possum Freeway environmental controller.  These videos were made by our colleagues at Possum Ltd. Plugging in Power and Switches to the Freeway Switching the Freeway on Changing the Volume and Other settings on the Freeway Controlling the Freeway with a Switch

Using a Symbol Chart with Row Column Partner Assisted Scanning

This video demonstrates using a symbol chart with Row Column Partner Assisted Scanning - where the communication partner moves through each row of the chart and then each column item to get to the desired selection.

Using a symbol chart to communicate (partner assisted)

This video demonstrates using a symbol chart to communicate where a partner scans the symbol options (partner assisted scanning) because the user finds it difficult to point (direct access).
AAC Assessment Resource

Assessing for AAC and referring on to a Specialised Service: A guide for Speech & Language Therapists

Knowing who might benefit from AAC, how to assess, and where to look for support can be tricky. This guide aims to: Outline the key areas to consider as part of an AAC assessment. Suggest resources that may support an AAC assessment. Identify when it would be appropriate to refer to a Specialised AAC service (in Yorkshire and Humber, this is the Barnsley Assistive Technology Team) Identify what the goals

Using a Megabee for Communication with Eye Pointing

This video demonstrates the use of the use of Eye Pointing (Eye Gaze) with a simple electronic communication aid called Megabee. Other non specialised paper and powered communication aids are listed in our Resource Pack: https://assistivetech.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/resource/local-services-resource-pack/

Using Eye Pointing for Communication using an E-Tran frame

A video demonstrating using Eye Pointing for Communication using an E-Tran frame (E-Tran stands for eye-transmission). Other non specialised paper and powered communication aids are listed in our Resource Pack: https://assistivetech.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/resource/local-services-resource-pack/

Using Partner Assisted Scanning on a Letterboard for Communication

This video demonstrates a technique called partner assisted scanning to facilitate communication with someone who can indicate 'yes'. The communication partner goes though each option turn by turn until the person communicating indicates 'yes' to select that letter.

Using Eye Pointing for Communication using EyeLink

In this video Gemma and Faye demonstrate using Eye Pointing for Communication using an Eye Link board - an eye pointing method for communication where you move the board until your eyes, and the eyes of the communication partner 'link'. Other non specialised paper and powered communication aids are listed in our Resource Pack.

Using a Communication Book by Pointing

A video demonstrating how to use a communication book by pointing (called 'direct access').

Communicating Yes and No

A video demonstrating how to communicate choices with the assistance of a communication partner.

Communicating Choices

A video demonstrating how to communicate choices with the assistance of a communication partner.

Setting up a CallEasy pager with Grid3

This resource is not reviewed and may go out of date as technology or practice changes. Please contact us if you feel this resource is no longer appropriate In this video we demonstrate setting up a Call Easy Pager to be triggered from a cell within The Grid3.

Assembling a Varifloat Floor Stand

This video shows a demonstration of setting up a Rehadapt Varifloat floor stand for mounting a communication aid or environmental control. These mounts will be pre-setup to the weight of the mounting device, so must be provided from the team for the specific device.
Examples of activities for developing switch use

Examples of activities for developing switch use

This resource is designed to support those who are considering toys and activities for developing access to technology using switches.
ABC chart with some phrases

ABC chart with some phrases

An ABC chart developed by ACE Centre with some phrases.
Alphabet chart laid out as AEIOU

AEIOU communication chart for row column scanning

A communication chart produced by ACE Centre. This chart has an AEIOU layout and is designed for access by row column, listener mediated/partner assisted scanning.
Paper based yes/no question prompt

Paper based yes/no question prompt

A paper based resource designed to help a client communicate in quick phrases. The resource can be accessed via partner assisted scanning, direct access, or a combination. Downloadable as either PDF or Word version so it can be edited and personalised to reflect an individual's communication needs.
Computer Access Starter Resource Document

Computer Access in Schools – Starter Resource

Some students may find it difficult to access the standard computer keyboard and mouse because of a physical disability or learning difficulty. This brief document is designed as a starter resource to give you ideas about the sorts of equipment that may help, and also sources of support and advice. The Barnsley Assistive Technology team provides specialised computer access equipment for people with severe physical disabilities at home, but we
EC Service Summary Resource

EC Service Specification and Contract Summary

This resource describes what a service user should expect from our servicing and maintenance contractors. This document provides a summary of the NHS England Environmental Control Service Specification and the Electronic Assistive Technology Servicing Contract. The document includes the Key Performance Indicators that Environmental Control companies (contractors) are contracted to meet. The document also summarises the process from the point at which the Barnsley AT Team receive a referral for
Competency Framework Resource

Competency Framework for Specialist AAC and EC Clinicians

This document is intended to describe a framework of competencies that relate to the assistive technology specialist role within a specialised Augmentative Communication Aids (AAC) and specialised Environmental control (EC) service. This role is ‘cross-profession’ – i.e. can apply to either an Speech and Language or Occupational Therapist or Clinical Scientist.    This documentation is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. and feedback and revisions are welcome. This work was
Page from MRO resource

Means, Reasons and Opportunities for AAC

These resources can be used to look in detail at the means, reasons and opportunities to identify potential reasons for use of a communication aid.  We have published an updated version of this resource - but left this original version available for posterity. In 2010 Barnsley Assistive Technology Team in conjunction with Devices for Dignity undertook research to look at communication aid users views of communication aids and their priorities
12 Steps Resource

Start your AAC journey in 12 simple steps

This resource has been developed to support clinicians working in local services who are new or less familiar with Augmentative Communication (AAC). This may also be useful to more experienced clinicians who would like suggestions on ways to increase their skills and knowledge in AAC.
Basic Assessment Kit Suggestions

Basic Assessment Kit Suggestions

This resource is a suggestion (shopping list) of equipment items local teams may wish to purchase to setup an initial/basic assessment kit. This is a basic list – the resource pack and AAC apps resource provide more comprehensive information.
Developing a Communication Scrapbook

Developing a Communication Scrapbook

A communication scrapbook can be a useful paper-based tool for individuals who need something to support their other methods of communication. A communication scrapbook differs from a communication book because it generally includes fewer core words and more personal vocabulary. This resource explains how to develop a communication scrapbook, including general tips and ideas about how to choose appropriate vocabulary.
Text Based AAC App Evaluations

Text Based AAC App Evaluations

This resource is designed to give an overview of some text-based AAC apps using our app evaluation table These apps range from free to medium cost and may be useful to trial with a person who is literate. If you regularly use or recommend a text based AAC app that you think should be included here, please let us know.
Symbol Based AAC app evaluation

Symbol Based AAC app evaluation

This resource is designed to give an overview of some symbol based AAC apps using our app evaluation table These apps range from free to high cost and may be useful to trial with a person who requires symbols for communication. They could be beneficial for someone who is new to AAC or requires a less complex AAC system. If you regularly use or recommend a symbol based AAC app
Paper Based AAC Guide Screenshot

Paper-based AAC: A Guide

This resource aims to provide information on a wide variety of mainly paper-based Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tools. Environmental supports which facilitate successful AAC implementation are described, followed by suggestions of paper-based and some partner-based AAC tools. This guide does not cover every possible AAC tool or strategy, but we hope that key elements of a paper-based AAC Toolkit are included and that the links to further resources prove
Message Banking Resource

Voice & Message Banking

This resource is not reviewed and may go out of date as technology or practice changes. Please contact us if you feel this resource is no longer appropriate This resource provides information about voice and message banking and has been updated in September 2020 to include some of the newer voice banking (personalised synthetic speech) options. Voice and message banking is the process of recording and storing an individual’s voice