These links are to web pages produced by other organisations that relate to AAC, EC or other topics and may be of interest.

Disability Rights UK- Access to work
Disability Rights UK is an organisation led by, run by, and working for Disabled people. This link directs you to ...

Local AAC Services Commissioning Toolkit
This toolkit has been produced by the national local services for AAC working party, to support the development of local ...

Widgit Health
Widgit Health includes a range of downloadable resources for individuals and medical professionals. Their paper based resources use widgit symbols ...

Call Scotland
Call Scotland are a team funded by the Scottish government. They provide support to children and young people across Scotland ...

SpecialEffect are a charity who can support people with physical disabilities to play video games. They have a range of accessible gaming equipment ...

MND Association
The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) is a charity which offers support and information for people with MND and their ...

KPR Online
KPR online (Koester Performance Research) is a company which works to support computer access for people with disabilities. The website ...

iOS Accessibility
iOS accessibility is a website with information and tips about adapting access to Apple iOS devices ...

Google Accessibility
Google accessibility is a website with information and tips about adapting access to android devices ...

The Good Things Foundation
The Good Things Foundation is a charity “that supports digitally and socially excluded people to improve their lives through digital” ...