If an individual currently has specialised AAC equipment that was not directly provided by the Barnsley Assistive Technology Team we would require a referral form to be completed before we could look at maintaining, repairing or replacing this equipment. This allows us to ensure that the individual meets the criteria as set out in the NHS England service criteria.
Examples of when this may be the case might be when an individual was provided with specialised AAC equipment via local funding prior to the NHS England services being commissioned; or where our team had been previously involved in mounting or looking at access methods – but where the device had been provided via other funding routes (as prior to 2014 we were not able to provide AAC equipment directly).
Sometimes we might need to visit the person to complete further assessment, but if the individual is an established user of specialised AAC equipment we can frequently make this decision using the information provided on the referral form.
If we agree to adopt the equipment, we will visit to check and label the equipment, then place it on an agreed maintenance schedule.
If you or someone you support is using AAC equipment that may now fit the NHS England service specifications then please either send in a referral or get in touch to discuss.