The team has presented papers at a number of national and international conferences, as well as publishing a number of research publications in journals. Publications are related to research projects as studying and evaluating our day to day work as an assistive technology team.

A User-Centred Approach Exploring the Potential of a Novel EMG Switch for Control of Assistive Technology
This study examines the potential application of an EMG technology as an assistive control method for individuals with severe physical ...

The Language and Communication Characteristics of Communication Aids-A Systematic Review
A systematic review of the language and communication characteristics of communication aids considered in identifying the appropriate aid for a ...

Could Speaker Identification Improve the Effectiveness of Aided Communication?
The aim of the project reported in this paper is to investigate the potential for 'SpeakerID' to improve the effectiveness ...

The Makeup Of Services Providing AAC In England And The Level Of Use Of AAC – A Survey Of English Services
The work in the UK described here reports on a survey of services providing AAC in England. Previous work (1) ...

How do we make decisions about symbolic vocabularies for communication?
This paper presentation describes the initial stages in a programme of work investigating the decision making processes that take place ...

Engineering Independence – how Environmental Control systems can and could support independence
Data from studies looking at the user requirements for environmental control systems is used to give context to the current ...

Communicaiton Aids & People with Dysarthria
Discussing the potential for communciation aids for people with dysarthric speech. Presented at ISAAC 2012, 1st August 2012, Pittsburgh, USA ...

Vivoca (Voice Input Voice Output Communication Aid) – Design Considerations
Investigating the design considerations in creating a communication aid which can recognise some dysarthric speech. Presented at CM 2011. <iframe ...

VOCA (Voice Output Communication Aids) Design
A presentation setting out some of the constraints around the design of communication aids - in particular considering communication aids ...
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